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Here is a collection of documents used by devotees of Sri Punitachariji Maharaj and Lord Dattatreya. It also includes a section of scriptures attributed to Lord Dattatreya and his teachings.
Aarti - English Translation
Aarti - English Translation

Aarti - Hindi
Aarti - Hindi


Sahaj Yog Dyhan
Sahaj Yog Dyhan

Tripura Rahasya
Tripura Rahasya

Vidya Gita

Jivamukta Gita
Jivamukta Gita

Advahuta Gita
Advahuta Gita

Dattatreya Yogashastram
Dattatreya Yogashastram

Darshana Upanishad
Darshana Upanishad